
How can I help improve the data?

  • If you have information from other sources (public sources, family documents, etc.) to add to or correct our data, write to us using this contact form.
  • Please be a specific as you can. Include the URL(s) of the web pages on where you saw information that you think we should correct.
  • When referring to a person, vessel or voyage on the website, include the Whaling Resource Identifier (WRI) for that entity so we know exactly to what you’re referring.
    Finding the WRI
  • When telling us about where your new information comes from, provide us with references so we can cite your information correctly.
    • to specific URLs (for online sources), or
    • to identifiers (for databases, like, or
    • to titles and page numbers (for published sources)
    • to dates and other identifying information (for logbooks and personal documents)