CoML Whales encountered and captured
This table from logbook entries includes information from logbooks from American offshore whaling voyages. These data were extracted from the original whaling logbooks during a scientific research project conducted by a team from the Census of Marine Life project (CoML, led by Tim Denis Smith between 2000 and 2010.
Information about the content and structure of the database is available in the Column Definitions, Code Tables and Usage Notes. We plan on updating the database annually. You are encouraged to submit additions and corrections through the submission form.
Small subsets of the data may be printed or downloaded directly from the table below. Read The Data Viewer Interface for instructions. For research purposes, the complete database may be downloaded for processing on your local computer.
VoyageID | Day | Month | Year | Jul | Enc | Species | Plural | Number_Struck | Number_Tried_Out | Barrel_Yield | Escape_Detail | AmbiguityEnc | CommentEnc | WordingEnc | WordingST | CommentST | sequence | VIDdate |
VoyageID | Day | Month | Year | Jul | Enc | Species | Plural | Number_Struck | Number_Tried_Out | Barrel_Yield | Escape_Detail | AmbiguityEnc | CommentEnc | WordingEnc | WordingST | CommentST | sequence | VIDdate |
Whales encountered and captured—Column definitions
Column | Description |
VoyageID | Voyage Identification Number |
Day | Day of Year |
Month | Month of Year |
Year | Year |
Jul | Number of days since 1 Jan 1600 |
Enc | Sighted whale; lowered boats; struck whale; dead whale |
Species | Common name of whale encountered |
Plural | Yes = more than one; No = single whale; Unk = unknown is one or more than one |
Number_Struck | Number of whales struck |
Number_Tried_Out | Number of whales tried out |
Barrel_Yield | Barrels of oil |
Escape_Detail | Text describing details if whale escaped |
Ambiguity.Enc | Text describing ambiguity about encounter |
Comment.Enc | Text about encounter |
Wording.Enc | Wording from logbook about encounter |
Wording.ST | Wording from logbook about strike |
Comment.ST | Text about strike |